
Welcome to theSecondSkin.com

There will be many new and exciting changes happening to this site over the next few months to many many years to come. The site has been in the back of my mind for years and year. In the past there were some sites that took on singular aspects to what we seek to accomplish, but they all failed in the end because... well... they were two singular.

That is not to say we will not be as well... At first... but our site does have the humble go of becoming on of the premier websites to:
  • Buy and sell high end leather, latex and fur fashion
  • Discuss designers, current trends, past trends, history, favorites, etc.
  • Compile a history of better designers and their styles
  • Allow users to creat profiles, share messages, as well as show off their "closets"
  • Work with designers in this market segment to create loyalty cards and pass discounts along to our members
  • Allow the photographers among us to host their portfolios and share teh gorgeous images they create
  • Share top finds, missed deals, and avoided rip-offs on sites like eBay and the like

And yes, in the end, I have probably bitten off more than I could possibly hope to accomplish, but if their is one thing I know, is that the great many leather and fur fashion collectors I have met over the years are not only knowledgeable, but love sharing their passion. I can't recall the number of people I have met for the first time and how quickly 3 or 4 hours have passed... All just discussing leather and the like.

As a long time seller on eBay, it has become increasingly frustrating for me. I have spent hundreds of hours over the years fighting companies from India and Pakistan, as well as in the US itself, who take beautiful designs, knock them off, and then re-create the designs poorly in even cheaper leather. As a seller, this made it harder to get the fair price for my item, but more importantly, it also jaded a great many new leather buyers who were taken in by the charlatans and when they see the original pieces, their reference is to something that is much more suitable to landfill than a closet.

Education is also important. In almost 15 years on eBay, I have been ripped off a few times, but have seen dozens ripped off even worth. I still have some of these classic examples, one in particular where a BEAUTIFUL Jean Claude Jitrois leather and fur jacket and dress were re-labeled as Chanel. What is a pity was the Jitrois piece would have sold for more likely to a collector, but the buyer of this ensemble not only had no idea what they were buying, since the original labels were removed, the value of the original piece was harmed. Then there was a Tannery West dress that was re-labeled Jitrois. Truth be told, though extremely dated, it still had a special place for me as it was one of the first pieces of leather I splurged on for a gift for a girlfriend. Of course, because of the label swap, this dress that should have sold for around $100, sold for more like $225, and again, the buyer probably had no idea that the item originally sold for close to their paying price, and not 10 times more what a Jitrois would have sold.

What the site isn't about is sex or fetish. There is a line where fetish and fashion blend, and that is fine, just so long as everything stays well grounded to the fashion side.

As for me, if you have seen my auctions on eBay or Bonanza, you have an idea of my taste and knowledge of leather fashions, and appropriately, I sell under that name, Leatherfashions on both sites. Joining me in this endeavor is a photographer and another eBay seller, Leatherbill, who by far has some of the best leather fashion photography on the web. As a former moderator from "The House of Cuir" which was a discussion forum on leather fashions, I also hope to bring on some of the old members from there who I have kept in touch with as well as both representatives who make the gorgeous leather fashions to other top leather sellers from eBay and the other sites.

While we have no delusions of ever replacing eBay or other sites for the pure numbers of buyers that they have, I do aim to provide a better browsing and interaction experience with an overall higher quality of items in a far more economical manner.

Welcome, and check back often... The ride is just beginning!